Private Art Tutoring
Private tutoring is available. We do not follow a curriculum. Each session is designed to be tailored to your individual interest.
Examples include painting, drawing, embroidery. Current students are learning how to paint on a large scale, weaving and creating dream catchers, drawing mystical creatures, creating their own books.
The sessions are perfect for individuals requiring 1:1 attention to unwind and relax or who want 100% customizable art lessons. Sessions are $99 for 1 hour or a 6-session package for $550.
Private tutoring is available on select date and times.
In-studio term Art Lessons
For ages 6-14, term lessons are 8 weeks long and follow the term’s theme.
The little artist will be exploring different ways of using media to create their own unique pieces. The program is designed and created to explore creative fun ways to assist children to learn about the elements of art while using various art media. This can support in helping the little artists to become more confident with using different art styles, to become confident with their own art abilities, unique style and progress their art techniques.
Weekly sessions are by age group and run 1-hour per weekly session.
Term bookings are booked in advance and for the duration of the term.